Nihon System Developer Corp. Apps

KanjiQuizN2aFree byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a quiz game to find the same Kanjicharacter and role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.Kanji Quiz is Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) level ofN2.Kanji Quiz N2b is using the Chinese characters more difficult thankanji quiz N2a.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.There are 30 Question 1 level. You will be able to use the nextlevel and get all the answers right.It is up to the 16 level.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
ShoppingMemo byNSDev 1.0.3
It is an application that a note of yourshopping list.Shops can be registered to five, you can also change thename.You can enter the product name, amount, number, store name,priority, and check.If the audio input terminal is enabled, you can enter thevoice.There is a Recycle Bin feature.Please write in the review request. I correspond as much aspossible.
Screen Tester byNSDev 1.2.1
This application test the screen of the smartphone and tablet.
JHP2013 byNSDev 1.0.1
2013 edition of the number of households andpopulation of JapanCompanion salesman!Software that displays the population of the municipality of Japan(man, woman), the number of households.Has been prepared based on the estimated population data aggregatedresults and the basic resident register of the home page of eachprefecture.Data adjustment of each prefecture is shown below.Hokkaido is the data of the number of households on April 1,2012.Shimane Prefecture, the number of households is the data of April1, 2012.Okayama Prefecture, the number of households is the data of April1, 2012.Data other than the above are as of January 1, 2013.
JHP2012 byNSDev 1.0.2
Use JHP byNSDev for newest year data. Software that displays thepopulation of the municipality of Japan (man, woman), the number ofhouseholds. Has been prepared based on the estimated populationdata aggregated results and the basic resident register of the homepage of each prefecture. Data adjustment of each prefecture isshown below. Hokkaido is the data of the number of households onApril 1, 2011. Shimane Prefecture, the number of households is thedata of April 1, 2011. Okayama Prefecture, the number of householdsis the data of April 1, 2011. Data other than the above are as ofJanuary 1, 2012.
VolumeCalculatorFree byNSDev 1.0.3
*Shape-CuboidCube / rectangular / parallelepiped-PrismSquare prism / positive pentagonal prism / regular hexagonal prism/ regular n-prism / prism-Regular polyhedronTetrahedron / delta hexahedral / octahedron / dodecahedron /icosahedron-PyramidShozo pyramid / three pyramid / positive four pyramid / positivetruncated pyramid / square pyramid / truncated pyramid (obeliskshape) / pentagonal pyramid / regular hexagonal pyramid / regularn-pyramid / pyramid / truncated pyramid / wedge-CylinderRight circular cylinder right circular cylinder / beveled cylinder/ partially missing / hollow cylinder / elliptical column-ConeRight circular cone / truncated cone-SphereSphere / part missing sphere / arcuate rotating body / hemispherestand-EllipsoidSpheroid / part is missing spheroid / ellipsoid / part is missingellipsoid-OtherTorus / barrel*FunctionCalculation results can be used in other apps and selectcopy.There is a similar memory function and calculator.Memory contents also copy can be used in other apps.*How to use1. choose the shape to calculate the volume.2. enter in the input field.3. Calculate the volume by pressing the [calculation startbutton.*CautionThere is a shape that can not calculate the surface area.Surface area of ​​the ellipse is the approximate value.Please contact me at the reviews or e-mail if you have anydemand.It helps you as much as possible in correspondence.Paid version without advertising (VolumeCalculatorPro byNSDev) isalso available.
NSDev 市区町村別人口世帯数2012 1.0.1
日本全国の市区町村別の人口(男、女)、世帯数を表示するソフトウェアです。各都道府県のホームページの住民基本台帳集計結果や推計人口データを基に作成しております。各都道府県のデータ調整は以下のとおりです。北海道 世帯数は2011年4月1日のデータです。島根県 世帯数は2011年4月1日のデータです。岡山県 世帯数は2011年4月1日のデータです。上記以外は2012年1月1日現在のデータです。It is a software thatdisplays (man, woman), the number of households population ofmunicipality of Japan.We are created based on the estimated population data and BasicResident Register aggregate results of the home page of eachprefecture.Data adjustment of each state is as follows.Hokkaido number of households is the data of the 1st April2011.Shimane Prefecture, the number of households is the data of the 1stApril 2011.Okayama Prefecture, the number of households is the data of the 1stApril 2011.Other than the above is the data as of January 1, 2012.
AttendanceManagerFree byNSDev 1.0.1
● Basic functionsFive of the scheduled date can be entered in order to adjust theschedule.Assistance, attendance, collection, you can check theparticipants.You can enter the membership fee.● Useful featuresSince five can enter the date, it will be able to determine thedate on which Atsumareru members while checking.Since it is a copy of the event, you can easily input ofparticipating members is the same event.(You can also be instead of backup.) \ NBecause members capture from the address book, there is no need forthe name of the input.It is possible to enter the default value of the event fees, duesof its members created is entered automatically.● Screen description○ EventsThe screen is at startup.A list of events will be displayed.When you tap the event screen left one-third of the screen opensthe Event Edit.When you tap the central one-third screen opens in the planadjustment List.When you tap the right 1/3 screen opens the Members CheckList.If the event to hold a menu is displayed to move to the aboveediting screen, order of change of events, Delete, New copy, it canbe operated, such as.Different menu depending on the position(left,center,right) tohold.○ Event editEvent name, location, five scheduled date of A ~ E, you can enterthe default of dues.○ Schedule ListParticipation rate of each due date, summary results aredisplayed.Participation of mosquito scheduled date of each member, improper,you will see the pending list.When you tap the screen left half of the members will open thescreen of the Members Edit.When you tap the right half screen opens the AppointmentEdit.Press and hold the menu is displayed to move to the editing screen,order of change of members, Delete, New copy, can be operated, suchas.Different menu depending on the position(left,right) to hold.○ Schedule EditOpen pending the scheduled date of the members were, participationAllowed (OK), you can edit join Call to (NG).○ Members check listGuidance of each member, attendance, collection, will display alist of participation.When you tap the screen left 3/5 of the members will open thescreen of the Members Edit.When you tap the right 2/5 screen opens the Members checkEdit.Press and hold the menu is displayed to move to the editing screen,order of change of members, Delete, New copy, can be operated, suchas.Different menu depending on the position(left,right) to hold.○ Member editThe name of the members, you can edit the membership fee.○ Members check editGuidance of each member, attendance, collection, you can edit ofparticipation.● SpecificationThe maximum number of storage events 100.Number of members of one event is up to 100.
KanjiQuizN5Free byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a quiz game to find the same Kanjicharacter and role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.Kanji Quiz is Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) level ofN5.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.There are 30 Question 1 level. You will be able to use the nextlevel and get all the answers right.It is up to the 16 level.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
KanjiQuizN3aFree byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a quiz game to find the same Kanjicharacter and role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.Kanji Quiz is Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) level ofN3.Kanji Quiz N3b is using the Chinese characters more difficult thankanji quiz N3a.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.There are 30 Question 1 level. You will be able to use the nextlevel and get all the answers right.It is up to the 16 level.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
UnitConverterFree byNSDev 1.1.3
Is a tool to convert each of 25 types ofunits.When you select a unit of value that you enter, you create a tableto calculate all the other units. It also displays the conversionrate.You can also specify the number of decimal places.22 units in Length18 units in Area31 units in Volume15 units in Mass5 units in Angle4 units in Temperature7 units in Time3 units in Frequency5 units in Force14 units in Pressure6 units in Energy6 units in Power rate13 units in Speed14 units in Acceleration2 units in Dynamic viscosity4 units in Kinematic viscosity3 units in Magnetic flux density2 units in Magnetic flux7 units in Luminance4 units in Illuminance3 units in Radiation - source activity2 units in Radiation - absorbed dose2 units in Radiation - equivalent dose2 units in Radiation - exposure7 units in InfomationBecause we want to support units around the world, We will waitfor the name and unit conversion information.Please enter a comment.Paid version UnitConverterPro byNSDev without advertising wascompleted.If you would like a wide screen even a little you recommend thepaid version.
4KanjiTest byNSDev 1.3.1
Puzzle game to complete the four character idiomatic compounds.
KANJI-ka?3A(Free) byNSDev 1.3.2
It is a game to find the same Kanji character and role model. Kanjiis similar to Chinese characters, but it is character unique toJapan. You will want to say "Whether this Kanji character ?"unintentionally. It is the Kanji character that 3rd gradeelementary school in Japan to learn. You can rotate, kanji or toreverse. Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet itwill be the origin of the upper left. *Learning mode Please tap thesame Kanji character and role model in the upper left. O isdisplayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer. Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on tothe next problem. The next level will be available if you answerall 30 questions. It is up to the 16 level. *Time Attack mode Andmeasure the time until the correct answer 30 questions. In the caseof all the questions correct, you can record the time. If you makea mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will not be recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters. Please enter your suggestions in the review. Icorrespond as much as possible.
KanjiQuizN1kFree byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a quiz game to find the same Kanjicharacter and role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.Kanji Quiz is Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) level ofN1.Kanji Quiz N1k is using the Chinese characters more difficult thankanji quiz N1j.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.There are 30 Question 1 level. You will be able to use the nextlevel and get all the answers right.It is up to the 16 level.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
AreaSplitterFree byNSDev 1.2.0
This is an app to calculate how to divide the square.
NanoStopWatchFree byNSDev 1.0.0
[Description]Stopwatch that can measure up to nanoseconds.However, the reaction of the people is not accurate tonanoseconds.So it might make sense can be measured up to nano-seconds, but Itried to create.Accuracy will decrease by the processing capacity of theterminal.If you change the format option, you can use it as an ordinarystopwatch in milliseconds.You can change the font size option.You can measure lap and split.[How to use]1.Press the start button.2.Press the lap button.3.Measurement is finished, Stop button.4.Again, press the start button, the measurement is restarted.[Option]Adjust font size of the timer.Adjust font size of the wrap.ON / OFF of the sound.Setting lap, split, the display contents.The setting of the display format of the time.
KanjiQuizN3dFree byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a quiz game to find the same Kanjicharacter and role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.Kanji Quiz is Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) level ofN3.Kanji Quiz N3d is using the Chinese characters more difficult thankanji quiz N3c.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.There are 30 Question 1 level. You will be able to use the nextlevel and get all the answers right.It is up to the 16 level.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
KANJI-ka?5B(Free) byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a game to find the same Kanji characterand role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.You will want to say "Whether this Kanji character ?"unintentionally.It is the Kanji character that 5th grade elementary school in Japanto learn.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
KanjiQuizN2cFree byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a quiz game to find the same Kanjicharacter and role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.Kanji Quiz is Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) level ofN2.Kanji Quiz N2c is using the Chinese characters more difficult thankanji quiz N2b.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.There are 30 Question 1 level. You will be able to use the nextlevel and get all the answers right.It is up to the 16 level.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
KANJI-ka?1(Free) byNSDev 1.3.2
It is a game to find the same Kanji character and role model. Kanjiis similar to Chinese characters, but it is character unique toJapan. You will want to say "Whether this Kanji character ?"unintentionally. It is the Kanji character that first gradeelementary school in Japan to learn. You can rotate, kanji or toreverse. Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet itwill be the origin of the upper left. *Learning mode Please tap thesame Kanji character and role model in the upper left. O isdisplayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer. Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on tothe next problem. The next level will be available if you answerall 30 questions. It is up to the 16 level. *Time Attack mode Andmeasure the time until the correct answer 30 questions. In the caseof all the questions correct, you can record the time. If you makea mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will not be recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters. Please enter your suggestions in the review. Icorrespond as much as possible.
ConcentricMapFree byNSDev 1.1.5
It is an application that displays a map withconcentric circles.This is the free version with ads.Seems there are those who have been used to measure the distancethe golf course, it was also compatible with yards that hadhope.Has the following functions.Fixed point fixed at the center of the concentric circles.Fixed at the center of the screen to the center of the concentriccircles.Automatic, the radius of the concentric circles can be selected in10m ~ 500km.(I do not see the number when the line is on the screen.)View satellite photos.View traffic conditions.Displays the address of the center of the screen.Display center of the concentric circles, the coordinate values​​of the center of the screen.Button to move the center of the concentric circles.The ability to move the current position the center of the screenusing the GPS feature of the terminal.★ NoteSince it is no longer concentric fact becomes high latitudes, Iwill show the error.Please use within 1,000 km from the center of the concentriccircles.Please fill in the comments section request.I correspond as much as possible.
KanjiQuizN3cFree byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a quiz game to find the same Kanjicharacter and role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.Kanji Quiz is Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) level ofN3.Kanji Quiz N3c is using the Chinese characters more difficult thankanji quiz N3b.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.There are 30 Question 1 level. You will be able to use the nextlevel and get all the answers right.It is up to the 16 level.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
KANJI-ka?5A(Free) byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a game to find the same Kanji characterand role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.You will want to say "Whether this Kanji character ?"unintentionally.It is the Kanji character that 5th grade elementary school in Japanto learn.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
JapaneseCoinChecker byNSDev 1.2.2
It is an application to examine the value of the current coin ofJapan.
KanjiStrokesQuizN3Free byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a challenging exam, shed strokes ofKanji characters.It is the Kanji character that is used in the Japanese LanguageProficiency Test (JLPT) N3.Kanji is rotated or reversed.Please choose the number of strokes of Kanji characters is a goodlook at a black circle it will be the origin of the upperleft.1 level have 30 questions. If you get all the answers right, youwill be able to use the next level.It is up to the 16 level.I think as much as study of foreigners started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please input in the review request. It supports as much aspossible.*Learning modePlease tap the number of strokes of Kanji.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.
KANJI-ka?2B(Free) byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a game to find the same Kanji characterand role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.You will want to say "Whether this Kanji character ?"unintentionally.It is the Kanji character that 2nd grade elementary school in Japanto learn.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
KANJI-ka?4B(Free) byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a game to find the same Kanji characterand role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.You will want to say "Whether this Kanji character ?"unintentionally.It is the Kanji character that 4th grade elementary school in Japanto learn.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
NSDev Pocket Loan Calculator 1.2.0
You can easily calculate the loan repayment a simple method andprincipal amortization principal and interest equal repaymentmethod. Simply enter the principal, interest rate (annualinterest), the number of months to display the monthly repayment ofprincipal, interest, repayment, the balance of the sum. Principalis 9 billion, 100 percent annual interest rate, number of monthsyou can enter up to 999. Please use the mortgage, car loans, etc..We also welcome feature requests up.
JHP2014 byNSDev 1.0.0
2014 edition of the number of householdsandpopulation of JapanCompanion salesman!Software that displays the population of the municipality ofJapan(man, woman), the number of households.Has been prepared based on the estimated population dataaggregatedresults and the basic resident register of the home pageof eachprefecture.Data adjustment of each prefecture is shown below.Hokkaido is the data of the number of households on April1,2013.Shimane Prefecture, the number of households is the data of April1,2013.Data other than the above are as of January 1, 2014.
JHP2015 byNSDev 1.0.0
2015 edition of the number of householdsandpopulation of JapanSoftware that displays the population of the municipality ofJapan(man, woman), the number of households.Has been prepared based on the estimated population dataaggregatedresults and the basic resident register of the home pageof eachprefecture.Data adjustment of each prefecture is shown below.Hokkaido Abira-Cho data is on Dec. 25, 2014.Hokkaido Rishiri-Cho data is on Jan. 20, 2015.Hokkaido Tsubetsu-Cho the number of households is on Frb.28,2015.Data other than the above are as of January 1, 2015.
HiraganaKatakanaTestFree byNSD 1.2.8
This game was created for foreigners to study Japanese. SameKatakana and Hiragana, you can study the same Hiragana andKatakana. Elementary school is one grade level of puzzle games.*Learning mode Please tap the same Hiragana(Katakana) character androle model in the upper left. O is displayed for the correctanswer. X appears in the case of an incorrect answer. Please tapthe button [NEXT] when you move on to the next problem. The nextlevel will be available if you answer all 30 questions. It is up tothe 16 level. *Time Attack mode And measure the time until thecorrect answer 30 questions. In the case of all the questionscorrect, you can record the time. If you make a mistake it isimmediately terminated. Time will not be recorded.
KanjiQuizN1fFree byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a quiz game to find the same Kanjicharacter and role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.Kanji Quiz is Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) level ofN1.Kanji Quiz N1f is using the Chinese characters more difficult thankanji quiz N1e.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.There are 30 Question 1 level. You will be able to use the nextlevel and get all the answers right.It is up to the 16 level.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
TaxCalculatorFree byNSDev 1.0.0
There is a history function.The input value plus tax, you can switch in the tax.*Function-arithmetic-character Back button-input clear button-± swap reversal button-history display-setting of rounding (truncated, rounded, rounded up)-the character size change-change of tap sound-change of vibration at the time of tap*How to use1. Enter like a normal calculator.2. If you press the [=] button it will be recorded inthehistory.3. You can change various settings in the [MENU] button.*NoteFor any damage caused on the use, even if it does not taketheauthor any responsibility, even if it is clear that due tothisapp. Please use in a range of its own responsibility.*RequestPlease contact me at the reviews or e-mail if you have anyrequestsor bug.It helps you as much as possible in correspondence.
KanjiQuizN4bFree byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a quiz game to find the sameKanjicharacter and role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is characteruniqueto Japan.Kanji Quiz is Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) levelofN4.Kanji Quiz N4b is using the Chinese characters more difficultthankanji quiz N4a.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it willbethe origin of the upper left.There are 30 Question 1 level. You will be able to use thenextlevel and get all the answers right.It is up to the 16 level.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in theupperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case ofanincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to thenextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can recordthetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notberecorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learnKanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchaspossible.
KanjiStrokesQuizN4Free byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a challenging exam, shed strokes ofKanjicharacters.It is the Kanji character that is used in the JapaneseLanguageProficiency Test (JLPT) N4.Kanji is rotated or reversed.Please choose the number of strokes of Kanji characters is agoodlook at a black circle it will be the origin of theupperleft.1 level have 30 questions. If you get all the answers right,youwill be able to use the next level.It is up to the 16 level.I think as much as study of foreigners started to learnKanjicharacters.Please input in the review request. It supports as muchaspossible.*Learning modePlease tap the number of strokes of Kanji.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case ofanincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to thenextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can recordthetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notberecorded.
KanjiStrokesTest4thG byNSDev 1.0.2
The challenge to all answers right!It is recommended to people who love kanji!It is the Kanji character that 4th grade elementary school inJapanto learn.Kanji is rotated or reversed.Please choose the number of strokes of Kanji characters is agoodlook at a black circle it will be the origin of theupperleft.1 level have 30 questions. If you get all the answers right,youwill be able to use the next level.It is up to the 16 level.I think as much as study of foreigners started to learnKanjicharacters.Please input in the review request. It supports as muchaspossible.*Learning modePlease tap the number of strokes of Kanji.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case ofanincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to thenextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can recordthetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notberecorded.
UnitConverterPro byNSDev 1.4.1
Conversion of a very useful tool made ​​in Japan
RoundRobinTournamentScheduler 1.0.0
● Basic functionsEnter the player (pair, team name).League game order is created.Players 2 people to 10 people.
KanjiQuizN1hFree byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a quiz game to find the sameKanjicharacter and role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is characteruniqueto Japan.Kanji Quiz is Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) levelofN1.Kanji Quiz N1h is using the Chinese characters more difficultthankanji quiz N1g.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it willbethe origin of the upper left.There are 30 Question 1 level. You will be able to use thenextlevel and get all the answers right.It is up to the 16 level.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in theupperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case ofanincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to thenextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can recordthetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notberecorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learnKanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchaspossible.
AntipodesMapFree byNSDev 1.0.2
You can easily find (antipodes) side oftheearth.This is the free version with ads.Hope you favorite, please use the paid version without ads.You can move the other side of the world (not just antipodes),invarious locations, such as the following.Point of symmetry across the equatorTo the equator0 to longitude90 degrees to the west90 degrees to the eastTo 180 ° (West) East90 degrees north90 degrees to the southOnce to the westOnce to the east5 degrees to the west5 degrees to the east10 degrees to the west10 degrees to the east45 degrees to the west45 degrees to the eastOnce to the northOnce to the south5 degrees to the north5 degrees to the south10 degrees to the north10 degrees to the south45 degrees north45 degrees to the southPlease enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond asmuchas possible.
KanjiStrokesQuizN2Free byNSDev 1.2.0
It is a challenging exam, shed strokes of Kanji characters. It isthe Kanji character that is used in the Japanese LanguageProficiency Test (JLPT) N2. Kanji is rotated or reversed.   Pleasechoose the number of strokes of Kanji characters is a good look ata black circle it will be the origin of the upper left. 1 levelhave 30 questions. If you get all the answers right, you will beable to use the next level. It is up to the 16 level. I think asmuch as study of foreigners started to learn Kanji characters.Please input in the review request. It supports as much aspossible. *Learning mode Please tap the number of strokes of Kanji.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer. Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on tothe next problem. The next level will be available if you answerall 30 questions. It is up to the 16 level. *Time Attack mode Andmeasure the time until the correct answer 30 questions. In the caseof all the questions correct, you can record the time. If you makea mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will not be recorded.
LightningDistance byNSDev 1.0.1
It is an application that calculatesthedistance to the lightning.Lightning flashed and when, I just tap each sound when rang.Since the speed of sound varies with temperature, I have to beableto specify the temperature.Distances are displayed in a list by the differenceintemperature.Please evacuate when the sound of thunder is heard within thezoneof danger so already.
AreaCalculatorPro byNSDev 1.2.3
It is an application that calculates the area. We will calculatethe length of the area and some from the sides and angle triangle,square, regular polygons, circles, ellipses, pies, pies ellipse,arc, elliptical arc, or parabola. If you have any request, pleasefill in the comment. I will also want to add functionality as muchas possible. Note: The length of the arc of the ellipse isdetermined by the integration because it takes a long time, thereis a slight difference.
PointCalculatorFree byNSDev 1.0.0
**OverviewI think that last point is not know when you entry to more thanonecampaign, but it can be used to calculate the final point inthisapp.3 Enter the setting of the store minutes You can also comparethereal price minus the point minute.0%% to 29%% or 0-fold point, it can be set at two times (+ 1%%)to30 times (+ 29%%).Point I am calculated by truncation.**Campaign item list (main magnification)*All shop common usually pointNomalPoint(1%%)RakutenCard(x2)RakutenMobile(x2)RakutenSuperWifi(x3)Other*Usually points for each shopLimitedShop(x2-20)Other*Point with all shops common deadlineAllShopTimeLimitAroundOnBuying(x2-10)Ponkan(x2-4)Toolbar(x2)SumartPhone(x2)Rakuten Eagles Win(x2)VISSEL KOBE Win(x2)MembershipLevel(x2-4)RakutenCardSP(x2)Other*point with the deadline of each shopLimitedShop(x2-10)AsuRaku(x2-3)FaceBook(x5)Other**How to use1. Tap to select the lower of the shop, and enter thecommodityprices in the upper.2. Set the magnification by tapping the campaign itemthatentry.(All stores target campaign item will change other shoporautomatically.)3. Calculate Press the Calculate button.4. also calculate other shops as well.5. Compare the point and price to determine the purchase.**OtherThe default value is usually the point of magnification, so wehaveto 0 times other than Rakuten card, please be set according toyoursituation.Please use the [other] when there is a relevant campaignitem.When you enter two of the campaign of 2 times and 2 times asanexample to [other] Enter three times.**NoteUpper limit point of each point does not take into account.Minimum purchase price for each point are not takenintoaccount.This app is not intended to completely avoid the Rakutenpointacquisition leakage.For any damage caused on the use, even if it does not taketheauthor any responsibility, even if it is clear that due tothisapp. Please use in a range of its own responsibility.This app is unofficial for inquiries to Rakuten, Inc.,pleaserefrain.Company names are listed in this application, product namesareregistered trademarks or trademarks of their respectiveowners.**RequestRequests, please contact us at the reviews or e-mail if youhavetrouble.It helps you as much as possible in correspondence.
KanjiQuizN1LFree byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a quiz game to find the same Kanjicharacter and role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is character uniqueto Japan.Kanji Quiz is Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) level ofN1.Kanji Quiz N1L is using the Chinese characters more difficult thankanji quiz N1k.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it will bethe origin of the upper left.There are 30 Question 1 level. You will be able to use the nextlevel and get all the answers right.It is up to the 16 level.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in the upperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case of anincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to the nextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all 30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can record thetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notbe recorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learn Kanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchas possible.
KANJI-ka?6B(Free) byNSDev 1.1.0
It is a game to find the same Kanjicharacterand role model.Kanji is similar to Chinese characters, but it is characteruniqueto Japan.You will want to say "Whether this Kanji character?"unintentionally.It is the Kanji character that 6th grade elementary school inJapanto learn.You can rotate, kanji or to reverse.Please find the correct Kanji characters common bullet it willbethe origin of the upper left.*Learning modePlease tap the same Kanji character and role model in theupperleft.O is displayed for the correct answer. X appears in the case ofanincorrect answer.Please tap the button [NEXT] when you move on to thenextproblem.The next level will be available if you answer all30questions.It is up to the 16 level.*Time Attack modeAnd measure the time until the correct answer 30 questions.In the case of all the questions correct, you can recordthetime.If you make a mistake it is immediately terminated. Time will notberecorded.I will ... I think also to study foreign started to learnKanjicharacters.Please enter your suggestions in the review. I correspond as muchaspossible.